Radiofrequency System and Linac Sources

The Radiofrequency System and Linac Sources Group of the INFN – Frascati National Laboratories (INFN-LNF) is a team in charge of the design, construction, maintenance and development of the high energy particle linear accelerators subsystems in the DAFNE complex.

The main duties of the group are:

  • H24 Shifting operation to control and run LINACs accelerators
  • Maintenance and implementation of the area and accelerators safety system
  • Maintenance and operation of the high power pulsed RF plants, low level RF and their ancillaries
  • Maintenance and developing of LINAC subsystems and related controls
  • DAFNE-LINAC technical operations and scientific mission for the DAFNE collider and BTF (www.lnf.infn.it/acceleratori/btf/)
  • SPARC_LAB (www.lnf.infn.it/acceleratori/sparc_lab/) technical operations

The Group also contributes to other different LNF activities, deeply involved in international projects that aim to implement new acceleration techniques and linear accelerator infrastructures.

Part of the LINAC staff is also member of the Beam Test Facility group (www.lnf.infn.it/acceleratori/btf/), with the duties to operate and to develop a 100m2 HEP experimental hall, hosting and assisting experimental scientists in the design, implementation and in beam runs for more than 200 days/year.

The Group is equipped with the following Departments:

– RF Power Plant Department;

– Electronic Department;

– Safety Department





** BTF Video **




Conctact person: Claudio Di Giulio, claudio.digiulio@lnf.infn.it, tel. (+39) 069403–2268