The Electrical Engineering Group is responsible of the power supply system of the accelerators hosted at LNF (Dafne, Sparc, BTF, …). This task includes the definition of the power supplies requirements, procurement, purchasing, installation, test measurements, operation and maintenance of hundreds of power supplies.
Moreover, the Group provides electromagnetic design of magnets for particles accelerators through 2D and 3D finite element analysis simulations. The magnet design is accomplished starting from the physical requirements of the beam, taking into account thermal, hydraulic and mechanical aspects, in collaboration with the other Services of the Division.
The Group also is responsible of the Magnetic Measurements Laboratory, that includes:
• a Hall effect digital teslameter with a 5-axes movement device mounted on a granite bench;
• an automatic rotating coil multipole measurement system, with automatic magnetic centering;
• a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) teslameter.
Several other magnetic instrument, such as gaussmeters, digital and analogic integrators are available. The laboratory is also equipped with high precision electrical instruments in order to perform measurements on the power supplies.

Contact person: Alessandro Vannozzi,, tel. (+39) 069403-2255/8749