The main activities of the Vacuum Group are related to the design, installation and maintenance of all vacuum and ultra-high vacuum systems connected to particle accelerators running at LNF-INFN (in particular DAFNE and SPARC_LAB).
This activity includes vacuum chambers, pumping and diagnostic systems, collimation systems and radiofrequency structures for acceleration and deflection of particle beams.
The Group is also involved in several activities on vacuum systems under design, construction or installation in others National and International Laboratories, Research Infrastructures or Universities collaborating with INFN (e.g. CNAO in Pavia, CTF3 at CERN, ESRF in Grenoble, NA62 at CERN, STAR in Cosenza).
The Group is equipped with different types of pumping systems (e.g. scroll, turbo-molecular or ion pumps), He leak detectors, systems for outgassing rate measurements, ultrasonic bath and degassing systems.
In the service laboratory there is also a vacuum oven for brazing with an useful internal dimension of 400×800 mm. Many accelerator components now installed and in operation in several machines have been brazed using this furnace.

Conctact person: Andrea Liedl,, tel. (+39) 069403-2528/8767.